Women's Ministry

The Women's Ministry of Forbush Baptist Church (FBC) is designed to be a comprehensive, Bible-based women's ministry that ministers to women of all ages and their families. The FBC Women's Ministry seeks to promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ (evangelism), educate women to prayerfully study and apply God's word in their lives (discipleship), and equip women to do Christ-like work through service locally and globally (missions). Our Women's Ministry holds its Biblical foundation in Titus 2:3-5. In this passage, Titus was told to have the older women teach and train the younger women. That philosophy of the older, wiser women being needed to teach the younger, inexperienced women and invest in their lives holds true today. In addition, our Women's Ministry functions on the commands found in the Great Commission - Matthew 28:19-20. Evangelism, discipleship and involvement in missions found in the Great Commission are key elements of our program. It is through these principles that we hope to teach women how to grow in the Lord, reflect the principles of the Lord Jesus Christ in their lives and minister to others, leaving a Christ-like legacy for future generations.

FBC Women's Ministry participants currently meet on the second Monday of each month at 12:00pm. Members meet to learn about current missions activities at home and throughout the world, plan missions events for FBC, pray for our Southern Baptist missionaries and enjoy a time of fellowship with one another.

Recent ministry activities have included: hosting birthday parties for the residents at nearby nursing homes; providing needed clothing and personal items to residents of local adult and family care homes; hosting a dinner for the Forbush High School football players and their coaches; preparing chicken pies for those who are confined to their homes; hosting the annual Lottie Moon foreign mission banquet; filling gently-used purses with needed items for those in our community who are affected by domestic violence; and hosting Ladies' Days for the enrichment of the ladies of FBC and the community.

Those interested in learning more about the Women's Ministry at FBC are asked to call the Church Secretary at 336-961-6657 during business hours, Monday through Thursday, from 8:30am - 2:30pm.